Lumenis IPL Quantum SR
Lumenis IPL Quantum SR
Phone: 1-972-275-9062
Lumenis Quantum:
Start or expand your aesthetic practice with the advantages of the IPL Quantum SR, the cost-effective system that's gentle, powerful and fast. With ever-increasing numbers of patients seeking the exciting benefits of IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation, the IPL Quantum SR system promises to be an indispensable tool for all aesthetic physicians, and it can be upgraded for additional clinical applications.
IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation treat the full face for a more even skin tone and an overall more radiant complexion. IPL provides gradual improvement over 4 to 6 treatments with very low risk and no "downtime", and is safe enough for application on the neck, chest and hands. In short, photorejuvenation with the IPL Quantum SR offers a tremendous opportunity for your patients and for you.
The IPL Quantum SR system simultaneously treats a wide range of skin conditions:
• Sun damage
• Age spots (sun-induced freckles)
• Broken capillaries
• Telangiectasias
• Most benign brown pigments
IPL Quantum provides tremendous clinical advantages and business opportunities:
• Large spot size and 2-second repetition rate for quick patient throughput
• High powered and fully adjustable pulse widths allow optimized results. High peak power short pulses allow treatment of even lighter pigmented lesions untreatable with low powered pulsed light devices.
• Multiple Synchronized Pulsing provides optimum treatment of vascular and pigmented lesions while sparing the skin.
• Clinically supported with over 10 years of clinical experience
• Simple touch-screen control and suggested settings facilitates treatment for the novice or experienced user
• Lightweight treatment head makes treatment comfortable for the operator
• Integrated surface cooling makes treatment safe and comfortable for the patient
• Integrated calibration system ensures precision with every treatment
• Fast return on investment
• Upgradeable for hair removal, leg vein treatments and tattoo removal to grow with your practice.
IPL Skin Treatments Using Photorejuvenation
Q: What are IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation?
A: Lumenis IPL Technology improves the appearance of photoaged skin, removes age spots (sun-induced freckles), most benign brown pigments, redness caused by broken capillaries and gives the skin a smoother, more even tone through a process called Photorejuvenation for face and body. IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation help restore a more youthful appearance without the patient downtime.
Q: Are patients satisfied with the results of this gentler, more delicate approach?
A: IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation are recognized for a very high measure of patient satisfaction. Patients are very pleased with treatment results because the process treats the full face, neck, chest or hands, rather than addressing a single isolated area or imperfection. With a series of treatments, IPL technology can help restore a more youthful appearance without patient downtime or a prolonged recovery necessary after other types of treatments.
Q: Can my system be upgraded as my practice grows?
A: Lumenis has developed our IPL systems with our customers evolving needs in mind. Designed to be truly upgradeable, our M22 and Lumenis One systems grow with the needs of your practice. Purchase the M22 or Lumenis One with applications and technologies to meet your needs today. As your practice expands, add additional applications and technologies.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Q: How does Ultrapulse skin resurfacing work?
A: The UltraPulse Encore is a CO2 laser designed to offer the versatility of both deep and light - minimal downtime, skin resurfacing. The wavelength of light emitted by a CO2 laser is very well absorbed by water in the skin. “Ultrapulses†of the laser vaporize lines, wrinkles, scars, dark spots and other irregularities, layer by layer. This process also stimulates the formation over time of new, underlying collagen to provide better elasticity and support for the skin.
With upper eyelid blepharoplasty, the CO2 laser removes loose skin, and if present, fat pads. On the lower lid, fat pads are removed with no visible incision and no stitches. Because the laser beam seals blood vessels as it touches them, the physician can clearly judge how much tissue to remove, and there is less swelling and bruising than with traditional eyelifts.
Q: Can CO2 laser technology be used less invasively for treating milder indications?
A:With Lumenis' CO2 laser technology, skin resurfacing is so precise that you can tailor treatment according to the nature and extent of photodamage, wrinkling, skin type and individual requirements for recovery time. For instance, the Active-FX peel using the unique CO2 Lite feature allows you to achieve a superficial laser peel with just one pass. CO2 Lite utilizes fluences that are below the ablation threshold and with a single pass imparts intraepidermal coagulation that is confined to the epidermis with little to no thermal injury in the dermis. In addition, the CoolScan program on the CPG places pulses in such a manner as to minimize thermal conduction of heat to deeper tissues and reduce the recovery period. The epidermis is typically left intact and serves as a natural wound dressing. The coagulated epidermis sloughs off in 3-5 days. Downtime is typically 4-7 days and offer substantial results. Offering both superior results for treating deep wrinkles and the ability to achieve controlled superficial resurfacing, the UltraPulse Encore is the most logical choice for an "all-in-one" resurfacing laser.
Q: What results can my patients expect, and how long will the benefits of treatment last?
A: Laser resurfacing can restore your patient's skin to a healthy state, similar to that of skin that has not experienced sun damage or scarring. With proper sun protection, results can persist for more than five years. In areas where muscle activity is strong, lines may begin to reappear sooner. After laser eyelid surgery, the cosmetic improvement is usually sustained. Typically, only one blepharoplasty procedure is needed to remove excess skin and fat pads. As skin continues to age at a normal rate, you may advise your patient to maintain results with a 'touch-up' resurfacing treatment. In any event, with cosmetic laser surgery you will have definitively 'turned back the clock.'
Q: What are the advantages of using authentic CO2 vs. erbium lasers with extended pulse widths?
A: A bilateral study comparing resurfacing with long pulse erbium:YAG followed by traditional short-pulse erbium ablation to UltraPulse CO2 followed by short-pulse erbium ablation (Rostan E, Goldman M, Fitzpatrick R. Laser Resurfacing With a Dual-Mode, Long-Pulse Erbium:YAG Laser Compared to the 950-µs Pulsed CO2 Laser. Am J Cosmetic Surg. 2000; 17(4):227-231.) found that there was no statistical difference in healing between the two sides and in 5 patients (26%), greater clinical improvement in periorbital lines, perioral lines, or both was noted on the UltraPulse CO2 side. (A reprint of this article can be ordered from the Lumenis web site, Lumenis Lit. # 5448).
The value of utilizing authentic CO2:
• When addressing moderate to severe wrinkles, true high-energy short-pulsed CO2technology has proven to be the superior modality.
• Physicians report that continued, progressive improvement in solar elastosis is seen post UltraPulse CO2 laser resurfacing.
• The hemostatic effect only afforded by CO2 provides superior visualization of clinical endpoints.
• For surgical incisions, the cutting ability of CO2 is unsurpassed.
Leg Veins
Q: What are the advantages of Lumenis' Nd:YAG technology?
A: Lumenis' proprietary Nd:YAG technology provides multiple synchronized pulsing to selectively heat blood vessels of different sizes and depths. The wavelength of light and pulsing characteristics of the system allow the energy to be virtually invisible to the epidermal melanin, thus protecting the skin and allowing treatment of all skin types and tanned skin. Normally only a few pulses of the laser are required to achieve complete closure and sealing of the vessels. The sapphire cooled Nd:YAG treatment head, available in the M22 and Lumenis One systems (and as an upgrade to other systems), increases patient comfort. Multiple spot sizes available on the M22 and Lumenis One “Multispot†Nd:YAG head allows accurate targeting of vessels anywhere on the body including larger telangiectasia on the face.
Q: How does high-tech laser/light technology compare to traditional sclerotherapy?
A: The combined light sources of IPL and Nd:YAG offer important benefits over injection therapy. The combination of IPL and Nd:YAG therapy allows treatment of injectable leg veins as well as matting and small spider vessels that are often too small to inject. In addition laser / light therapy is fast, less painful; minimally invasive without needles; and typically does not require compression wrapping.
Q: Is aluminum oxide safe?
A:Yes. It is the material recognized as the appropriate abradant for the microdermabrasion procedure. Also, the Material Safety Data Sheet indicates that AI2O3, (in various forms known as Corundum, White Fused Alumina or Bauxite), is non-toxic for ingestion, is not associated with adverse skin contact reactions and is not a known carcinogen.
Tattoo Removal
Q: How does the laser work?
A: The laser delivers high intensity light in pulses of a few billionths of a second into the treated area. The tattoo inks selectively absorb the light without damaging the normal surrounding skin tissue in the process. The tattoo ink is broken into smaller particles that are then harmlessly removed by the body in the weeks following treatment.
Q: How many treatments will it require?
A: Removing a professionally applied tattoo is usually a fading process that requires a series of treatments spaced at least 6 weeks apart. Professional tattoos usually require 5-10 treatment sessions for satisfactory clearing. The depth, color and amount of ink, as well as the location of the tattoo on the body are all determining factors in how quickly the tattoo can be removed. Most amateur, ‘street tattoos" and traumatic tattoos are removed in fewer treatments.
Q: What about lightening an existing tattoo?
A: Many tattoo artists encourage customers to receive a minimum number of laser treatments to lighten an existing tattoo before covering it with a new one. This will dramatically reduce any chance of the old tattoo appearing through the new one. In most cases, a minimum of 2-4 treatments is all that's required to lighten an existing tattoo.
Vascular and Pigmented Lesions
Q: What product solutions are available to treat vascular lesions?
A: Depending on the specific nature of the condition, Lumenis offers two key solutions for the treatment of benign vascular lesions. The IPL family, featuring the M22 and the Lumenis One multi-application platforms, successfully treat a broad range of vascular conditions including telangiectasia, port wine stains, hemangiomas, etc. Deeper vascular lesions can be treated with our Nd:YAG laser systems available on the M22 and the Lumenis One multi-application platforms.
Q: How do the M22 and Lumenis One treat mature hemangioma?
A: Mature hemangiomas can be rather thick, namely part of them is superficial and part is deep. The M22 and Lumenis One are equipped with two treatments heads that can effectively target the different depths of the hemangioma. The Nd:YAG head can be used first to reach the deeper parts of the lesion, while being marginally absorbed by the superficial telangiectasia that often lay on the surface of the hemangioma. Excessive heat production is thus eliminated. Following a few sessions with the Nd:YAG, the IPL can be used to treat the remaining superficial blood vessels.
Q: Can the M22 and Lumenis One effectively treat Rosacea?
A: The high power, short pulses and optimal pulsing technology only available with the M22 and Lumenis One are believed to result in superior treatment for the vascular symptoms associated with rosacea.
Q: Some pigmented lesions have to be removed surgically, as they are potentially harmful. Can they be treated by IPL instead?
A: Technically, it is possible to treat such pigmented lesions with IPL and diminish their brown color; However, doing so does not affect the pre-malignanat cells; it only obscures them and delays the diagnosis. It is therefore essential to consult a dermatologist prior to IPL treatment of any suspect pigmented lesion.
Q: Can IPL treat hairy pigmented lesions?
A: Yes, due to the versatility of filters, IPL is an effective treatment for hairy pigmented lesions. IPL with longer filters can penetrate deeper than IPL with short filters. Thus, a shorter filter may be used to treat the superficial (epidermal) pigmented lesion while a longer filter may be applied to remove the hair.
Q: What type of facial wrinkles can be treated with the Aluma Skin Renewal System?
A: In order of increasing depth, the majority of the wrinkles treated include the peri-ocular (crow-feet around the eyes), peri-oral (around the mouth and upper lip), on the forehead, glabella (frown wrinkles) and along the cheeks (smile wrinkles). Aluma treatment is best suited for treating fine to moderate facial wrinkles.
Q: Who can be treated?
A: Aluma energy is not effected by skin color, tanning or any other characteristic. Anyone wanting to treat mild to moderate wrinkles and achieve smoother skin can be treated.
Q: What can my patients expect?
A: Aluma treatment is comfortable. A revolutionary technology called FACES (Functional Aspiration Controlled Electrothermal Stimulation) results in energy deposited deep in the skin without affecting the skin’s surface and virtually without pain. Skin is gently drawn into the tip of the handpiece. Energy is delivered resulting in a gentle warming of the deeper layers of the skin. A treatment typically takes about 15 minutes.
A series of treatments are recommended for best results. Fine lines improve as new collagen is deposited in the dermis. Although some improvement will be seen within a month to a few months, the skin should continue to improve for several months after treatment as new collagen is deposited.
Upgradeable and Affordable Nd:YAG System
Expand your practice with the advantages of the IPL Quantum DL and the clinically proven effective treatment of leg veins and other deeper vascular lesions. This cost-effective system is gentle, powerful and fast. As a stand alone device or as an upgrade to the IPL Quantum SR, the Quantum DL treats a range of conditions including:
• Leg veins
• Larger telangiectasias
• Hemangiomas
System advantages include:
• Extended life handpiece—for cost-effective operation
• Integrated contact cooling for maximum safety and patient comfort
• Multiple Synchronized Pulsing Nd:YAG technology controls the effect of high energy by interspersed cooling periods, maximizing heating of the vessel while protecting the epidermis
• Can be upgraded to perform IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation, IPL hair removal and tattoo removal
• Fast, easy operation. Two-second repetition rate for rapid treatment; easy-to-use touch screen, and user-friendly software with advanced user capabilities
The IPL Quantum DL system incorporates proven, highly effective Nd:YAG technology with the reliability and simplicity you expect from Lumenis' IPL Quantum series. Its modular, upgradeable design protects your investment by allowing you to step up to IPL skin treatment using photorejuvenation, hair removal and tattoo removal.
More Details
Caution: Federal (US) law restricts Lumenis devices to sale by or on the order of a licensed practitioner.
HR Upgrade For IPL Quantum Platform
Add hair removal, one of the most in demand aesthetic procedures, affordably to your IPL Quantum platform with the HR upgrade. By producing outputs optimized in the red to near infrared part of the spectrum, IPL photoepilation with the HR upgrade offers your patients a proven method for achieving hair removal and permanent hair reduction and treating pseudo folliculitis barbae(PFB).
• Multiple wavelengths and a broad range of pulsewidths allows treatment of all skin types including dark skin type VI and nearly every hair color
• Treat all body areas and hair depths
• Integrated contact cooling minimizes discomfort
• High speed, large spot size system supports high patient throughput
• Versatile, yet simple. The touchscreen operational control makes treatments simple and safe.
HR Upgrade For IPL Quantum Platform
Add hair removal, one of the most in demand aesthetic procedures, affordably to your IPL Quantum platform with the HR upgrade. By producing outputs optimized in the red to near infrared part of the spectrum, IPL photoepilation with the HR upgrade offers your patients a proven method for achieving hair removal and permanent hair reduction and treating pseudo folliculitis barbae(PFB).
• Multiple wavelengths and a broad range of pulsewidths allows treatment of all skin types including dark skin type VI and nearly every hair color
• Treat all body areas and hair depths
• Integrated contact cooling minimizes discomfort
• High speed, large spot size system supports high patient throughput
• Versatile, yet simple. The touchscreen operational control makes treatments simple and safe.
©2010 Lumenis Surgical
